Thursday 30 August 2007

First Post

After 2 years of reading other peoples blogs on a daily basis and then having to register with Google to post a comment on one the other day I have taken the plunge and created my own blog.

Not sure what I intend to put up here but after all this time as a parasite I have been feeling for some time that I ought to try to contribute something.

I will see how it goes.


LBJ said...

You will find it a bit addicting. Glad to see you've joined in. Looking forward to some more.

DBA Dude said...

WTF... I put up this blog and within hours it has had a visitor who has left a comment!
Not just any random visitor either but someone whose writings and slant on life I admire.
So thanks Scully, I will try to ensure that I make further posts and maybe I should invest in setting up a sitemeter?

LBJ said...

The site meter is easy. The one I used is free


When you've selected the one you want, the free one or the fancier one that costs $ you will be given a set of instructions but you might prefer to skip the instructions and click on "tracking HTML", you will see this in that same paragraph at the top of page for instructions. This is also where you will see your HTML code to copy and paste into your template, I chose the JavaScript HTML for reasons they state.

Open a new browser window
Login to your blogger account, which will take you to the dashboard
Click on Template to Manage your blog

Scroll down to the area you want the site meter emblem to be displayed (example: for the sidebar you will paste the html code between --Begin Sidebar -- and /div --End Sidebar--. If you want it located at the bottom (footer) of your page, place it somewhere between---Begin Footer and /div -- End Footer

I'm a computer idiot and I did it by myself.