Woke up this morning to find that the weather forecast had indeed been correct for once and 7 to 8 inches of snow had fallen overnight – have never seen this large a fall in this part of Berkshire in all of the 30 odd years I have been living down here. All schools in the county (and neighbouring ones) were closed for the day and I will be surprised if any are open tomorrow; a walk up the high street revealed that most of the shops and banks were also shut but luckily the local co-op was open and I was able to resupply on Fairtrade tea bags.
With more heavy snow forecast for tonight and temperatures dropping to -5C overnight and sub zero all day tomorrow and beyond it could take a while for this lot to disappear – my one consolation is that as I am currently looking for work using various internet sites the disruption has not affected my day.
Also a bit weird to be listening to cricket commentary from South Africa in the midst of all the snow and ice (temperature there dropped by 10 degrees from yesterday to a balmy 25C!). Photos were taken out the back of DBA cottages earlier today.
I was wondering where you have been...buried under the snow, I see. :) Hope all is well.
RT, Still stuck below the white stuff - they are predicating that it might go by Saturday!
We had two-feet of snow a few weeks back. It was pretty, but very annoying. I can't imagine how all the snow stopped life for som many folks over your way.
Hope you were able to dig out. :)
RT, Finally managed to escape from under it all last weekend - by which time the novelty had really worn off!
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