Sunday 25 January 2009

Another Not Live Scandal?

Following on from last years Olympics opening where it was revealed that the young girl was miming as the actual girl singer had been deemed to be not cute enough to represent China we get another.

Turns out that the classical music quartet playing at the 44th President's Inauguration on Tuesday were not amplified and that a recording made a couple of days before was used. The reasoning being that because of the cold instruments could go out of tune or strings break.

All very reasonable, but it appears that they were playing just not being amplified – so what I would like to know is were they using cheap replicas of their instruments to protect them from damage or the real deals?


Sezme said...

That's an interesting question. Hey. I don't blame them. It was freezing outside, not to mention that their fingers probably didn't have full dexterity, too.

People are making the biggest deals out of the dumbest things. There is an African-American group very upset with Michelle Obama because she didn't use an African-American designer. How petty. She looked lovely; who cares who the designers were.

I won't get into politics, but Obama and Congress is where we should have out attention placed.

phlegmfatale said...

Surely they were using replicas, hence the need for the miming. It's all so pretentious, whatever the case. ho hum.

DBA Dude said...

rt, The dude has a very difficult job ahead of him and in the current economic climate I think that he is going to have to disappoint a lot of people.

Phlegmmy, You are prolly right - cheap Japanese clones would have been the order for the day,