Sunday 3 May 2009

Car Park Shuffle

Every week day morning (during term time) at around 07:30 the car park at small town station becomes a hive of activity with cars entering to drop off their school kids. Most of them appear to feel that making their children walk more than 10 feet to the platform to be cruel and unusual treatment and stop in the first third of the small car park to unload their passenger(s).

This results in a “waltz” like shuffle as cars attempt to get into a parking space while others are trying to leave the car park or get into it – have yet to witness a collision but have seen some near misses; after 5 minutes all the kids have been deposited and an air of tranquillity falls over the car park.

All in all it makes for an entertaining start to my day and I did find myself missing the spectacle during the Easter break – not so the loudly chattering children on the train, though truth be told they were pretty quiet by their standards last week.


Sezme said...

Sounds like the shuffle I witness at school. Parents are always dropping their kids off at the door, cutting off buses (illegal, btw), and I have almost been hit by a parent a couple of times.

Wakes me up, that's for sure.

Ready for summer?

DBA Dude said...

rt, What is it with parents these days?

I will be ready when it arrives - just need to finish my house decluttering exercise and everything will be Hunky Dory!