Monday 21 July 2008

The Colour Of Magic

While I was out of the country a TV film was shown based on the first two Dicsworld novels (The Colour Of Magic and The Light Fantastic) made by the same company which produced Hogfather. Luckily for me one of my friends recorded it and had saved the tape, so I had the opportunity to catch it for myself last week.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed it, David Jason made a surprisingly good Rincewind, Sean Astin excelled as Twoflower but Jeremy Irons really nailed Lord Vetinari and for me stole the show. There were one or two “shoddy” special effects but in the main they did not distract from a pretty faithful adaptation of the books, though they did have to leave some stuff out.

Judge for yourself by watching this clip, the good news is that they are working on another one for release next year – Going Postal – which should be pretty good depending on who they get to play Moist Von Lipwig and how the golems end up looking on the screen.


Sezme said...

I liked that. I like how Sean Astin always seems to employ a child-like quality to a lot of his characters. It makes them endearing. (To me at least.)

DBA Dude said...

rt, that naivety is just what the role of Twoflower demanded and he did a grand job of portraying him.