Tuesday 16 October 2007

Drink Driving

What is it with Hollywood and drink driving? Is there some mind altering substance in the water supply or is there a higher than average supply of the “stupid gene” over there?

This year has seen a constant stream of actor/”celebrity” drunk driving stories with the most recent being this dork.

You drive out somewhere, have a few drinks and then decide to go home, as I see it you have three choices:

Hail a cab - that is why they are there at that time of night,

Ring a friendly limo service if you do not want to travel in a conveyance that might have been used by “ordinary people”,

Climb into your own vehicle and drive badly homewards risking other lives and your own.

So people with the “stupid gene” select option 3 almost without fail, the maths is not hard three or four beers or glasses of wine over a two hour period is almost certain to put you over the limit.

While I have no problem with them wiping out their own lives it is the risk they pose to others that concerns me. Now there are far more “ordinary people” over here and over there who commit similar offences through ignorance /”delusions of invincibility” - but these “celebrity” types have the cash to pay for their ride home and should be setting a better example.

I know from personal experience how alcohol impairs your ability to control a vehicle, it slows you reaction times and ability to read what is going on around you.

In my “defence” I was younger (and stupider) and driving in a country where there were no drink drive laws as alcohol was banned there. Lots of desert to run off into, only ever did it in the wee small hours when there almost no other traffic - but it was not clever.


phlegmfatale said...

I don't think it's stupidity. I think it's a pure-dee case of arrogance.

Sezme said...

Get a limo, hire a driver, have a party at home (oh, that means that the paparazzi you are pretending to hate would not be there and you wouldn't end up in the tabs where you get exposure), or just umm...maybe not drink that night.

I drove under the influence twice. It was scary.

DBA Dude said...

Phlegmmy, you are probably right, I just liked the idea that they all shared the same genetic defect.

rt, You are up late on a school night! Go to bed now!

Sezme said...

If I'm in bed when I am using my laptop, does that count? ;P

See my previous note. Stinking thyroid!