Sunday 2 September 2007


Why is it that of all our sense the sense of smell has the extraordinary ability to transport me through time and space. I was reminded of this the other day while walking past a newly mown hay field, the familiar smell took me from rural Berkshire to the Outer Hebrides some 40 odd years ago.

My younger brother and I used to spend 5 weeks there in the summer on our Uncles croft and the two smells that take me back there are newly mown hay and the smell of peat burning.The hay was cut with a tractor but then had to be turned to dry it and then collected using hand held tools, my memories of joining in this task always coincide with clear blue skies and of the sun glittering on the waves rolling into the bay below us.

I remember the field as being huge but that is with the eye of a young boy, the reality is that it was quite small. I also remember assisting in the collection of the peat to provide the croft with winter fuel - and then I return to the here and now.

So here in no particular order are my favourite aromas:

Wood Smoke
Peat Smoke
Freshly baked bread
Freshly ground coffee
Grated ginger
Spice markets of Dubai
Sea shore
Single Malt Whisky
Pine Trees
New Mown Hay


LBJ said...

So many smells to bring back so many memories. The smoke of morning waking me smiling, air as fresh as new mown hay, cold in my nose. I loved the smell of fresh clothes under a steam iron as my mom ironed while I played with my toys. Bread baking, and the sea. I used to drive to the ocean just to breathe, the air all creosote and iodine. And the smells of my life, fresh grass from my yard, pine sap and sewing machine oil. And like the sea, the childhood smell visiting my great grandparents ancesteral home, the smell of water, the green smell , clear and lush after the sun has disappeared behind the loch, we'd paddle out near Castle Stalker, where the scent lifted off the water, just where the night covers the day.

Sezme said...

Wood smoke is awesome!

My grandmother grew lavender and roses and that scent reminds me of her.

I love the smell of anise. My parents' landlord used to babysit me and she was from Italy. Her apartment always smelled of anise. It is a very comforting smell.

I also like the smell of rain.

phlegmfatale said...

Wow - spice markets of Dubai? How exotic - sounds lovely. Your collection of smells reads like poetry.