Friday 7 September 2007

Guiness Is Good For You - Now Official

I cannot believe that shortly after publishing Beer 101 that the results of this research come out.

Check it out here.


LBJ said...

Guinness, my dark and not so secret vice. I haven't had time to go to the grocers yet, so the new house is lacking beer of any kind. Something to look forward to tomorrow night.

Sezme said...

YAY! No wonder I'm feeling good! HA!

Sezme said...

That should say that I am feeling well. Stupid English language and all. I'm a very weary English teacher right now.

phlegmfatale said...

Well, all the more excuse to share a little with my dog every so often. I'm off all hooch until I'm feeling back to normal from pneumonia, but I'm having a powerful hankering right about now!