Sunday 9 September 2007

Happy Birthday GSM

On the 7th September 1987 15 firms signed an agreement to build mobile networks based on the Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications.

My eldest nephew was an early adopter and the thing weighed a ton and was about 1 foot square - cannot see these catching on I thought, just goes to show that my predictive antennae were not very finely tuned.

Fast forward 20 years and there are now 2.5 billion accounts world wide and not only are they tiny but they double up as cameras, calculators, alarm clocks etc etc.

Back in the day someone talking to their self in the street would have been scooped up by the men in white coats and whisked off to the funny farm - now you feel disenfranchised if your cell does not ring while you are ambling around your supermarket/book shop/other favourite emporiums.

However, some places are sacred and all phones should be turned off on entry:

Insert location of your choice


Sezme said...

church, department meetings, funerals, movies, and public transportation...

DBA Dude said...

I am with you on all those girl.

And I should have added when driving a car (unless using a hands free) which is a law over here but which I see being broken every day.