Wednesday 14 November 2007

Gordon R Dickson

Reading a post over at Scully’s earlier this week reminded me that somewhere in the archives upstairs I have six or so books by Poul Anderson that I have not read in 20 odd years. Must try digging them out again.

So I scanned the shelves behind me and noticed the Dorsai books by Gordon R Dickson, bought them 30 years ago but have not picked them up for at least 16 years - so that is my reading sorted out for the next week. Hard core military SF writing with great story telling at their heart.

I hate throwing books out but as space is limited I have had to clear out some over the years, had to let my Heinleins go 20 years back, and most recently some of my Piers Anthony sets went to Hairy Nephew. Judging by the piles around the house I am getting very close to having to undertake another clear out, some old friends will have to go but not before one last read.


Sezme said...

I have a ton of books. I can't bear to part with any of them. I really should, though.

Happy reading! :)

phlegmfatale said...

Piers Anthony is fun reading, but I've let most him go back into the book pool - I like it, but don't plan to re-visit most of his worlds.

Paradise Driver said...

Became a Heinlein fan when I was a Boy Scout.