Thursday 8 November 2007

Space Stuff

New planet found (only 41 light years away) but the really interesting thing is the gap where an Earth like planet could be lurking.

And Discovery returned safely yesterday after a 15 day successful mission - commanded by a lady as is the ISS, that is what I call progress.

I just love watching the ISS track across a night sky in the Highlands with little background light - one of life’s simple pleasures.

Oh, and deep joy at DBA cottages, the DVDs of Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica arrived this morning - will try to ration them out but will probably fail.


Sezme said...

I just love watching the ISS track across a night sky in the Highlands with little background light - one of life’s simple pleasures.

I'm jealous. Hrrrumph!

Lin said...

Thanks for unlurking, dba! You would LOVE the skies out here - the lightning shows, the meteors (both often in unison), the satellite tracks, the Milky Way, the odd unidentified light. There are so few places left that are unmolested by light pollution but we found one - for the time being at least. I hope your night skies are equally as pure!

DBA Dude said...

rt, There must be some parts of NJ that are not light polluted?

Lin, where I live in England is pretty bad for light pollution, however I am going to the Highlands for New Year so I am looking forward to some quality star gazing.

Sezme said...

Where I live is highly populated and illuminated. However, there are very nice, quiet, unlit-at-night places in the northern parts of Jersey. Not someplace to go alone, at night, though. (not for safety reasons, but for if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around reasons).
