Saturday 22 December 2007


Have always enjoyed traditional Irish music so it came as a wee bit of a surprise to me when I first heard this lot in ‘84 that I really liked them. Anarchic punk folk should not really have been my cup of tea but I found the songs and high energy playing right up my street.

Was lucky enough to see them live a couple of times in the mid eighties before Shane went off the rails, down the embankment and across the road. They were great live as this 18 minute clip from ‘85 shows - pity that it cuts Transmetropolitan short as it was the first track of theirs that I ever heard.

To redress that here it is in full - no video just the song.

It is amazing to think that if Shane MacGgowan makes it to Tuesday (never a done deal) that he will celebrate his 50th birthday - not something that you would have put money on back in the nineties. Not a great voice but he has written some truly great songs over the years.


Sezme said...

I wondered what he looked like when he still had his teeth. ;P Umm, pretty much the same. HA!

I've only heard them a few times. I don't think I could listen to an entire CD in one shot, but somehow bands like that are so awesome to see live and are meant to be live bands.

phlegmfatale said...

Poor, sad fellow. There was a grizzled, earthy beauty to his voice, in my opinion. He's sorta like a grown up/disillusioned Alfalfa from the Little Rascals-- that man came to a sorry end, too. My favorite song of theirs was You're my London girl.

DBA Dude said...

rt, Also had the misfortune to see them when Shane was off his face, pretty chaotic.

Phlegmmy, One of the prices that genius types have to put up with - the self destruct gene.