Monday 17 December 2007

Political Compass

So while sitting at the kitchen table on Saturday night, waiting on our slab of beef roasting in the oven, supping on cans of Guinness HN, IL and myself were babbling on about how life experiences had modified our views on politics and politicians.

I mentioned the World’s Smallest Political Quiz site, so the laptop got fired up and he took the test. He (like me) came out in the Libertarian quadrant and had little trouble completing the ten answers.

So then he upped the ante by firing up the Political Compass site and undertook the 6 page test before passing it over to me to complete.. This one was much tougher to complete because you could only choose to agree/disagree (with Strongly as an option for both) with a statement.

Not being able to say Dont’s Care made answering some of them much trickier and required “deep thought”. We both ended up in Gandhi’s quadrant as left leaning Libertarians with me edging him by two points to the left.

We tried to persuade IL to take the test but she complained that it would take too long, so veg got prepared, wine bottles opened and then dinner was eaten to many cries of “fecking great tasting beef” or “stunning wine dude”.

So if your are at a loose end there are two places to go and kill some time.


Sezme said...

I did the political compass one and ended up in the same spot.

I was kind of surprised, really, since I'm pretty conservative.

But then again, I know you can be conservative and still care about the well-being of others.

DBA Dude said...

rt, I think that we ended up there because we do not really like "government" but do believe in the rights of the individual.

Sezme said...


I agree.

phlegmfatale said...

Sounds like a great time. Beef and wine is a glorious combination.

DBA Dude said...

Phlegmmy, Darn tooting (as you might say). First bottle was a 10 year old Grand Cru St Emilion - lovely and smooth.